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Tales of the Forgotten Shopping List: Adventures in Holiday Deals

The holidays are a magical time when families come together, love abounds, and shopping lists are—well, forgotten in the cart of good intentions. This is the season of hunting for deals, battling checkout pages, and finding ourselves buying things we didn’t even know we needed. If you’ve ever stared at a box of banana slicers post-holiday wondering why, you’re not alone.

Black Friday: The Hunger Games of Shopping

As Black Friday approaches, shoppers ready their virtual and physical elbows for battle. Stores dangle irresistible offers like carrots in front of starved rabbits. “The early bird gets the worm,” they say—but often, the bird oversleeps, and the worm is sold out.

Take my friend Alex, who a few years ago, when it was still common line up at the crack of dawn for the best deals at brick and mortar stores, year camped out for a 70-inch TV. Armed with snacks and hope, he was first in line—only to discover he’d brought lawn chairs but no jacket. Alex said later, “You know it’s bad when you’re negotiating blanket-sharing terms with strangers.”

Even online shopping isn’t safe from mishaps. Who hasn’t been there: hovering over the checkout button, card in hand, only to lose everything when your internet hiccups? Somewhere in the digital abyss is my cart from last year, which I imagine has become its own sentient being, filled with abandoned air fryers and novelty socks.

Impulse Buys: The Comedy of Poor Judgment

Then there are the impulse buys, spurred by too-good-to-pass-up deals. Oscar Wilde once said, “I can resist everything except temptation.” If Wilde had lived during Cyber Monday, he’d probably have a house full of robot vacuums and novelty quesadilla makers.

Last year, I bought a “self-watering plant pot.” Great in theory, until I realized I wouldn’t own any indoor plants for a while because I was about to move. A coworker shared a memory of purchasing a “kitchen chaos organizer set”—a series of oddly shaped containers, which ironically created more chaos.

And yet, even these questionable purchases come with their charm. They remind us of our humanity—our optimism that maybe, just maybe, this was the gadget that would change our lives.

The Sentimental Side of Shopping

Amidst the chaos, there’s a softer side to it all: the joy of finding the perfect gift for someone you love. As Maya Angelou wisely observed, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” The right gift can become a memory in itself—a sentimental artifact of your relationship.

I’ll never forget when a friend surprised me with a signed copy of my favorite childhood book. It wasn’t rare or particularly expensive, but it instantly brought back memories of staying up late, flashlight in hand, devouring its pages under the covers. That simple, dog-eared book reminded me how a carefully considered / well-tailored gesture can bring extraordinary joy. It wasn’t just the book, it was the sense that I had been remembered and heard. I try do do the same whenever selecting a gift for the other person. The goals isn’t just to make a checkmark next to a person’s name on the gift list, but to actually consider what would bring them a touch of joy? It makes me think of that famous Will Rogers quote:

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.” – Will Rogers

Wrapping It Up (Pun Intended)

The holidays remind us that the best gifts aren’t always wrapped in shiny paper. Sometimes, they’re the stories we collect along the way—like Alex’s frostbitten TV escapade or my misguided plant pot. As you venture into this year’s deal-hunting season, remember to laugh at the mishaps, embrace the chaos, and cherish the moments that come with them.

So, what’s on your shopping list this year—and what’s destined for the oops pile? Hopefully you can have a little fun with your “retail therapy”. As the late Tammy Faye Bakker once quipped, “Shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist and way more fun.”

Looking for some fun gift ideas? Well take a look at my Shop By Designs page, where you can see a variety of products available for each current design.

And remember, a simple free printout from the Roko Puzzles Freebies page might be a perfect extra gift for a puzzle lover in your life!

Here’s to surviving the season—and maybe even finding that perfect gift.